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Cellulite treatment

Cellulite is a very common problem that often develops in many people at a young age, but modern technologies help in overcoming it.

The main causes of cellulite formation are:

  • Inherited predisposition to weak connective tissue
  • Hormonal factors
  • Insufficient lymphatic circulation due to lack of movement
  • Poor dietary habits

Changing these bad habits is an important part of effective body shaping, as significant and lasting changes can only be achieved alongside effective cellulite treatments if lifestyle changes also support the process.

If you've already experienced cellulite, even despite leading a healthy lifestyle, then visit our salon where professional procedures can help you get rid of this unpleasant skin condition.

What do we recommend for cellulite treatment?

During cellulite treatment, various massage techniques, pressures, and tools are used to massage the problematic area, thereby enhancing lymphatic circulation, which aids in the breakdown and elimination of toxins and fat cells. The comprehensive treatment improves the texture and firmness of the skin, while reducing the appearance of cellulite.

Course of treatment

  1. Opening and enhancing lymphatic circulation
  2. Manual lymphatic massage or Madero therapy is used to open up lymphatic circulation, allowing existing waste materials to start leaving the body.

  3. Fat breakdown, tightening of connective tissue, and stimulation of collagen production
  4. Depending on the condition of the treated area, we use either ultrasonic cavitation or radiofrequency treatments to break down fat cells accumulated under the skin and enhance collagen production.

  5. Increasing local blood flow, detoxification, and purification
  6. Pain-free vacuum therapy or cupping aids in increasing local blood circulation and detoxification.

  7. Drainage
  8. As a conclusion, the special technique of manual lymphatic massage helps further remove waste materials in the hours following the treatment.

At the beginning of premium treatments we apply skin exfoliation and special tonic to cleanse the skin, and we conclude the treatment with Dr. Juchheim's Bye Bye Cellulite cream, which further improves the skin's texture, firmness, and smoothness.

Massage types and mechanical technologies used during cellulite treatment

Manual lymphatic therapy

Manual lymphatic massage is an effective method for removing accumulated toxins in the body and stimulating lymphatic circulation, thus offering an excellent opportunity for reducing cellulite and improving skin firmness. The special techniques applied during the massage effectively support the functioning of the lymphatic system, resulting in the elimination of toxins and excess waste materials from the body. By enhancing lymphatic circulation, it aids in the body's self-cleansing processes, reducing swelling and inflammation, as well as relieving muscle tension and stress.

Manual lymphatic massage is a gentle yet effective method for supporting the health of the body and mind. Its regular application can contribute to maintaining overall well-being and harmony in the body.

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Madero therapy

Madero Therapy treatment is 100% natural and free from contraindications, it's a type of deep tissue massage that:

  • Stimulates the lymphatic system
  • Removes toxins
  • Accelerates metabolism
  • Tightens the skin

This unique method not only targets the superficial layers but effectively penetrates deep into the tissues as well. Maderotherapy stimulates the lymphatic system, aiding in the removal of toxins and accelerating metabolic processes. Additionally, it enhances skin firmness, thus improving its elasticity and appearance.

It's a modern massage technique that utilizes anatomically shaped wooden tools for cellulite reduction, lymphatic system support, and body contouring.
cupping pic

Cupping Therapy

Cupping therapy is a vacuum massage based on a tool from traditional Chinese medicine. It's a physical therapy that mechanically stimulates the treated area, creating a locally positive stimulus that beneficially affects blood and lymph circulation. The vacuum created during cupping causes the capillary vessels in the treated area to dilate, resulting in increased blood flow, improved circulation, and metabolism in the treated area. These internal processes aid in the elimination of fat deposits and waste materials beneath the skin, thus reducing cellulite.


Mechanical Lymphatic Massage

Lymphatic massage is a special type of massage that improves lymphatic drainage. Regular application eliminates tissue lymphatic congestion, activates the immune system, stimulates the removal of toxins, promoting cellular and tissue regeneration, and reduces inflammation.

Mechanical Vacuum Treatment

During the use of this technology, a vacuum is created in the treatment head, which moves the skin tissue of various areas of the body. This stimulates local blood circulation, accelerating the breakdown of toxins deposited in the skin, connective tissues, and muscles, promoting their removal from the body, effectively reducing cellulite.

Radiofrequency Treatment

Radiofrequency is an excellent technology for eliminating cellulite, tightening the skin, and eliminating sagging skin. During the treatment, selective heat is applied to the tissues to accelerate the metabolic processes of fat cells in the body, causing the fatty acids in the fat cells to enter the lymphatic circulation, from where they are naturally excreted.

Ultrasonic cavitation

Ultrasonic cavitation does not require physical intervention; during the treatment, high-powered ultrasound waves create microbubbles in the tissues of the treated area. As these microbubbles collapse, pressure changes occur, breaking down the fat cells present there. The broken-down fat cells then leave the body through the lymphatic system to the liver, where they are metabolized, and are eventually excreted from the body through urine.

Dr. Juchheim Bye Bye Cellulite cream

In our salon, during treatments, we use Dr. Juchheim's Bye Bye Cellulite cream, which quickly improves the appearance of cellulite, skin texture, and firmness.

ByeByeCellulite contains unique, plant-based ingredients with a 6-fold action concept:
  1. Increased blood circulation
  2. Noticeable warmth sensation
  3. Improved blood supply
  4. Smoothing of the skinl
  5. Firmer skin sensation
  6. Harmonious skin appearance

The active ingredients in the Bye Bye Cellulite cream are plant-based, natural, vegan, and cruelty-free.
jucheicm bye bye cellulit

The product can be ordered from HERE.

Prices of cellulite treatments

  • Combined Cellulite treatment
  • Manual lymphatic therapy or
    madero therapy
  • +
  • Radiofrequency or
  • +
  • Cupping or

  • 60 mins
  • 15.000 Ft
  • Prémium Cellulit treatment
  • skin exfoliation and tonic
  • +
  • Manual lymphatic therapy or
    madero therapy
  • +
  • Radiofrequency or
  • +
  • Cupping or
  • +
  • Dr. Juchheim Bye Bye Cellulit cream

  • 60 mins
  • 20.000 Ft